Self-Paced (Anytime)
SELF-PACED OPTIONS to do at your own pace, on your own schedule...
Xello in Clever (grades K-8)
We would like to introduce you to a new CAREER EXPLORATION program our school has acquired to help your child prepare for academic, career, and future success. Xello is an engaging online program that helps students build the skills, knowledge and plans to be future ready. The program uses an investigative, discovery-based learning process. Students better understand themselves, their future career options, and the 21st century skills they’ll need to succeed.
Interland is an adventure-packed online game that makes learning about digital safety and citizenship interactive and fun—just like the Internet itself. Interland is installed on all student Chromebooks. Learn more about Interland here.
Reading for Pleasure with Sora by Overdrive. The Sora app, available in Clever, was designed around the modern student reading experience. It empowers students to discover and enjoy ebooks and audiobooks from their school, for both leisure and class-assigned reading. Sora is a our digital school library - check out a book at any time!
Computer Science Fundamentals in -
- Try a Minecraft tutorial to learn how to code.
- Interact with lessons on Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.
- Find out how computers work in this video series.
- Learn more about here.